First let me tell you that this game is just GREAT.
I played a few hours with the beta and here are my notes about it. Hopefully this will help you make it better. First the bugs:
- A bandit razed my first city. My sovereign was able to create a new one on the same spot, but it was impossible to build an improvement in it. I had to start a new game.
- It crashed twice after about 2 hours of play. Here's the dump files:
and the system info :
- Tactical battle gets extremely slow when there'as about 10 units engaged in it. This is as a point it is almost impossible to play. I'm playing on a Quad CPU computer, so this is really a bug.
- I still had LODs with the wrong city name and wrong color.
Here are a few comments:
- The terrain window on the top right corner should also show the Kingdom/Empire tile modifier. It would also be great if it would show the movement cost of the tile.
- I do not like the tactical battle speed setting. It's too fast and it makes the battle feel unrealistic. Why not make the battle speed an option. A slider to confiigure it to our liking would be ideal.
- When a unit crosses a friendly caravan on a road it needs to get off the road to go around it. They should be able to share the tile.
What I see as priorities for the future in order of the most to less important :
- Dynasty improvements. An AI sovereign should pass its reign to one of its familly member when it dies.
- Initiative in tactical battle.
- Portals that leads to other maps (caves, underground, dungeons, ...).
- Possibility to easily create our own NPC. I would like to see my friends roaming around
. Maybe this is already possible, but I haven't find how to do it.
- 64 bits with huge maps.
Thank you,