Lol, calm down buddy! You ll give yourself a heart attack Same thing happened to me, you see me crying??
Didn't say you were racist, said you made racist comment, meh same thing. Well, you want it? You got it? How the hell do we you know you are of African-American, or African descent, just because you say it...doesn't mean it's true...Anyhow you get on and you say, "you all know my ethnicity so I am going to have to do it!! I am from the streets blah blah blah, I ll drop you where you stand if you come to my neighborhood blah blah blah" OK, now low class African-Americans might say "Dats right ma ni$$er!" But the middle-upper, and upper class, my neck of the woods...probably not yours, would frown upon it...Calling it stereotyping, and in fact extremely racist mate. Nothing you can say will change the fact that what you wrote was racist..
I'll explain this nice and slow, since your brain seems to comprehend pointless stuff slower know what I won't even finish this,because it'll just be offensive to the special ed no matter how nicely I word it.
1. Haha, how do thy know I'm Black? I'm not African American because I'm not from Africa dipstick, my decedents were. Me being born in America, makes me American, the fact my skin color is black, just makes me black. Only time you will ever see me refer to myself as African-American is for medical reasons.
2. If you have been active on the board for more then a year, then you would've not only seen the pictures of me, but also got my face book. But you are the type of person who needs to be there to see a rock fall to the ground after being picked up to believe it, or you'll argue that it will fall to the sky using your inane since of logic.
3. If I was to get a heart attack it will be from laughter, if you are a parent as it has been stated then I feel sorry for your kids. You have proven to me at every turn that parenting isn't a privileged that should not be allowed to everyone.
4. Stereotype- noun
a simplified and standardized conception or image invested with special meaning and held in common by members of a group.
I have no doubt in my mind that you are unfamiliar to this or innocent of stereotyping, so don't try to play a higher road. Only real difference is one of the most universally known stereotypes that is laughed out, and was actually done by someone of the very ethnicity that to stereotype is majority of the time placed on, and done purposely. Am I racist for it, I guess I can be viewed that way by someone who's very thought process is "I am god, I am better then you, I am right and you are wrong!" (Sound familiar anyone,) why are you the only one yelling racist for me doing it? My guess is because unlike you, jon, pacov, max, zen, Ninki, Mcshane, nana, and everyone else has spent more then 5 minutes actually in a conversation with me. This means chances are higher and more likely to tell that I was far from being series.
5. I didn't call you racist, I could careless if you were, because then I would just view you as a little puppet who I would spend the rest of my days on the forum (until stardock got tired of me doing it, and banned me) pulling your little strings and making you dance around in a predictable circle like most racists do. The reasons other view you as racist, is because I can only assume it was the "monkey" comment. Which was and still is a strong racist comment used towards blacks and Africans.
6. Middle/high class in you neck of the woods, yea...lmao I wil ljust leave that one alone because...its just too funny.