How about the time where I played against you and FC_Oprah Winfrey??
You were probably drunk (hence the memory problems), but the game lasted 2:53 seconds before I called you out based on 3 reports from 3 different dg players calling you an exploiter. I told "oprah" going into that game that he should play along and not say anything, but that I was looking into an exploiter (if you recollect, at the time I came back and indicated that I didn't think you were an exploiter - which I said to you - though it is apparently I was wrong). Anyways, if that was a great win for you, then you, sir, have bested me at long last. As long as the game doesn't go longer than 5 minutes, you have a chance against me with whatever settings you dream up.
Classic. If that doesn't stop the ranting nothing will.
There is no chance in hell that he is done now, btw.
Why are you still here, sho fly!
You should not talk to the number 1 ub player like that. Granted, he doesn't understand what acclimation is, though he is the best ub player on earth (and choose beastial wrath to counter another ub - he was drunk, its not an excuse - its a fact). Granted he doesn't NEED to pick game settings that favor him (he may or may not be drunk, it doesn't matter, he's tah smartest there is and knows how ta get da advantage (remember prussian_havok? Weak player at number 1 ladder rank and we still didn't care)). Granted if he's losing, he'll use the host disconnect exploit, but that has no impact on him as a player (he was probably just drunk, it happens, right?).
Bye bye forum.
well, I suppose the need to ban you from the forums has passed if you are gracefully bowing out. Didn't you folks ever wonder why you were allowed to post so much rubbish (and those of you that haven't been banned yet are still able to post)? Hint - we were probably watching and just waiting to see how far you'd go. Now its a just a matter of tracking your host disconnect exploits and you'll be banned from demigod. I doubt it will take all that long, tbh, but of course, that's up to you. I have more than a few smurf accounts (i do work hard to have a low win % on my accounts just so folks like you will let me join their games). Just think though - if someone beat you easily with a low win %, that was probably me, so by all means, dc from the game - we'll be rid of you soon enough for exploiting. At least you could man up a little and take losses when you are clearly beat.
Here's what you don't get. You are a grown man and are married (you get that part, so my bad). You hop on internet forums telling folks you play in a game that you were a bouncer, that you get in brawls all the time and that you could kick everyone's ass (eg you sound like a 14 year old). Yet at demigod you require a handicap ramp to even compete. I'm trying to remember the last time a guy in a wheel chair threatened to kick my ass and I felt concerned (I feel bad for folks that are actually handicapped, but I believe you might not actually be physically handicapped). Against good players, you clearly cannot and will not win unless you learn how to play - I'm not the best dg player ever and using my weakest dg I easily beat you.
So, my friend, you are clearly the best handicapped ub in the game and deserving of ladder rank number 1. Though even by your own rules, I pretty easily beat the crap out of you even with you having another player buying currency 1/2/3. You might call that being ladder rank number 1. I call that being embarrassing.
But, if you like and can get passed your incredibly misplaced ego (referring again to the "I require a handicap to be even remotely good at demigod yet I'm ub #1" comment), I did give you some tips to get better at demigod. Perhaps you are sober enough now to digest them and perhaps become a better player (hint - if someone's weakest dg can take out your 2 human team, you are not very good).
And as a final note - you insult folks on the forums, you make racist comments, and you are generally rude. Some folks have been kind enough to let you speak here. You have just about outstayed your welcome. Enjoy your ladder rank and demigod as long as you can. If you don't change your behavior, you will be banned from the forums and demigod. You are welcome to purchase another account and continue on just as you have. Or you can take a moment, learn from your mistakes, and actually become a good player. Its up to you. But again, you are done with the forums, I doubt I'll hear from you again (unless you were drunk when you wrote that twice, in which case, I understand).