$99.99?? Yikes. Check other amazon sites, the UK one lists it for 7£.
This is one of those golden oldies. I've picked it up occassionally, and it stands the test of time. Last a year ago, roughly; played it for a few weeks straight.
Basically, it has everything you want from such a game, and in my opinion, it is superior to JA2+, but don't quote me on that.
Decent graphics, for the age.
WW2 setting... with sci-fi.
Can play an axis or allied team.
Destructible terrain - in a meaningful way. You can blow out a wall with explosives and enter/exit through that.
Mines, traps, ambushes.
Plenty of memorable individual characters with their own voices and quotes.
Lots of missions and also random encounters.
Special abilities per class, much like how Diablo 2 skills work. (Not so spectacular, of course, more along the lines of 'hearing better' than 'summon skeleton'.).
Create your own hero. (The boss). Choose name, looks, gender, nationality, voice, class.).
Aim at specific body parts.
Critical hits and effects (deaf, bleeding, etc.).
It is not without its flaws, in particular, there is one weirdness - while skills increase based on what you do, they increase faster for those NOT in the team (resting in the base) than the ones on combat missions, and it gets kind of strange to do things just to increase the skills. (Run laps around the entire map, shoot at walls, etc.); also, engineering is very difficult to raise. There's mods out there that fix this, though; while I can't dig them up right here and now you should be able to.