I'm sorry if I've covering heavily-trodden ground already, but I haven't been following the Elemental forum terribly closely over the past few weeks. I know around release time it was discussed that an option may be introduced to MP to enable tactical battles. I know the dev team has had their hands full with the base game let alone MP worries, but I wanted to follow up on that and see if there were plans still in place to implement this?
With a game that has very important units (such as a Sovereign, children, champion's you've had a long time, etc) I really don't like being forced to autoresolve each fight, because even if the autoresolver is mathematically fair, I can't tell it "Protect this unit at all costs" or anything like that.
Anyway, this post was just intended to touch base regarding MP development for Elemental's future. What I'm holding out for is the Single-Player gameplay/rules ported directly over on a 1:1 basis to MP for my friends and I to have fun with in Co-op play. I hope something like this becomes available in the not-to-distant future.
Does anyone have any news regarding this?