The button inside the cast spell dialog that allows you actually cast spells disappears randomly. Once it's in the saved game seed, all subsequent saved games will then have it. This basically ruins 150 turn games completely.
The music bug, which is repeatable and always happens with a single save, is current in this as well. Seemingly at random, the music will no longer change based on game mechanic changes. For example, if you switch to the options screen, the main elemental theme plays, this will play forever, until a new event triggers a different song, such as the Items Shop theme, which will then play forever until you get something else, such as combat music. What seems to die is the trigger that says "okay, go back to the standard overland music". Once the bug appears, I turn the music off and use an external program to play my own music.
I've attached a copy of my latest save:
Mods installed: Heavenfall's Bugfix Mod 3.2, Gnilbert Mod 1.80, OldArmor, wraithstalke's Alternate Armour 1.04, Barranoid's Old Armor mod