Typically the problem with public 'flame fests' is sometimes they are 'wrong', however in this case it's a safe bet that since vStyler posted the thread he clearly was not and is not 'happy' with what this MrGRiM01 has done with his Intellectual Property.
The veracity of this is not in doubt as the 'borrower' has admitted to the deed.
In spite of assertions to the contrary it's quite evident that the OP has had his work 'borrowed' for commercial profit.
Calling the wrong-doer names doesn't win any points, however, as the correct approach is to always be as civil and formal as possible....though in this case it's demonstrated that any style of approach will see you 'barred' from his site and/or DA page.
The first Law of IP protection is to actively assert your rights at any and all opportunities offered as a demonstration of indifference [on one occasion] can set a precedent where-by subsequent attempts can be ignored with justification/legal excuse.
The 2.95 per sale can be his undoing....
Many years ago an inventor approached GM [or some other of the big US car manufacturers] with an invention of an intermittent wiper. GM wasn't interested.
Years later GM introduced intermittent wipers.
The inventor quietly waited.....and waited.
Eventually 'every' car manufacturer was using them.
THEN he acted....starting by sueing GM....and was awarded a few cents for every example of 'his' design on the road.
He became a millionaire from GM. Then all he had to do was approach ALL the other companies.....
Silly thing was...if GM had BOUGHT the rights in the first place it'd have cost them peanuts.