I agree with the ethical choice for the population growth on Sauron, and I agree with the ethical choice on Gimble, however I completely disagree with the ethical decision on Nestor 1, I think you should have chosen the neutral decision since there was not that big of a bonus difference between the evil choice.
I think we should stay mostly neutral with our ethical choices and only choose evil if there is at least a 8% bonus difference between neutral and evil. Also only choose good if it has no penalty and we have nothing really to gain from the other choices.
I like the neutral path for it has better trade techs later on, plus the neutral path has instant terraforming, just in case we don't get the orbital terraformer galactic achievement in time.
For research I have a few paths I would like to suggest:
1. Research Xeno Industrial Theory then start researching Soil Enhancement; This path is for faster social production and more room for social projects
2. Research Xeno Industrial Theory then research Diplomatic Relations; This path is for faster social production and for more leverage in future trades
3. Research Soil Enhancement and then research any other tech we can finish in the quarter; This path is for more room on planets and to prepare for any change in the research production.
Other than the text above I have no more opinions on current matters.