Savegames are transferable and email-able. There are 8 save slots in MoM. The game in the topmost slot will always be saved sa save1.gam, the one below it is save2.gam, etc. So if someone wants to send out a savegame, all he has to do is to count in which slot he saved it, then zip the respective gam file and mail it.
Note: The name of the savegame is stored elsewhere (in a file that shouldn't be transferred). So, if your topmost savegame is labeled "Foo", and you copy a new save1.gam file into the folder, then the loading screen will still show "Foo" as the name of the first save. However, when you load it, the game will load the new file.
Alternatively, you can rename the savegame to save9.gam, and click on "Continue" in the main menu, or just run wizards.exe instead of magic.exe. This makes use of the temporary ninth save slot. But save the game in a "real" slot if you want to continue it later.