first of all, thanks for the new patch!
I hope that you will find time ASAP to fix the problem with the mouse cursor.
I'm not speaking of the jittery cursor problem that almost everybody has when you keep pressed the Shift key, it's a minor issue.
I'm speaking of the problem some of us have ALWAYS, whichever we are doing, even in the main menu screen... the mouse is jittery, and disappears when you move it, making a real PITA to play.
Please consider that I had this problem only after installing the new ATI drivers for windows 7 64 bit, and that if I use the hardware cursor the problem disappear (but it's really bad to play in that way, because the GUI only provide some info through the cursor shape).
BTW, there is only one thing that is more annoying to me, now, and it is the 10-second delay before each move (even counter-attacks!) when you are playing a tactical battle in which you have a mounted champion.
Thanks for your attention, and go on with the good patch, you'll give us a wonderful game!