Just wondering what it was for, besides to say i have a bigger one ?
Karmatron wasnt a weapon in Transformers or something like that ?
The sole purpose of Karma, from what I understand, is to thank folks for being helpful and a good community member.
Hahh okie .
Mine's bigger than yours.
Yeah, they all say that...
I`m out of karma, can anybody fill me up
Ask and ye shall not receive....
Its not how big it is that's important, but how you use it....
Karma's good. But with the Sutra...OH BOY!!!
Actually, how does karma work?
I know that yesterday I had like 2. Then 4. Then 6. now it's currently 4.
Is it a random roll from 1 - max.karma, like the current spell damage calculation?
Edit: Nope. 2 again.Edit: Wrong again. Now it's 5.
mine is smaller but I am catching you , Oh and its not the size that counts
OMFG 67,you are a monster !
karma karma karma - elusive and yet much sought after...... lol
For the win !
Because finally who cares about Karma.
Just look animes :
Black Lagoon.
Darker than Black.
High School of the Dead.
Karma Karma Karma Karma Kaaarmaaa Chameleon...you come and gooooo, you come and gooooOoooo.
Er wait, that's Not how the song went? My bad
It's linked to the site/forum from whence it's given...so depending on where 'you are' at the time...the Karma may change.
Eg...DrJBHL shows [from Wincustomize.com] as 1204 ...but I expect from Elementalgame.com he'll be considerably 'smaller'....
HHhhmmm if the Dalai Lama gives you Karma it's worth x6 ?
*DrJBHL wonders where he might obtain a Stinger for Jafo.
You need to find a karma shard.
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