After enjoying a lot of direct battles (preferable to auto-resolve) and crushing the world under my heels (or at least my opponents, who were stupid enough to declare war without even knowing me), I found more (small) bugs - all of them relating to combat:
1) At times, two units were swapped: a Golem of mine was next to their troop, and some monster of theirs stood right next to my people.
Happened several times - and it's irritating, as you tend to overlook them...
2) Darn, I keep moving my archers instead of shooting; the aiming capabilities are weak, too much reliant on the floor tile, which can be rather flat (as in: seen sideways) in hilly terrain. Perhaps check if we're aiming at the creature itself, too?
3) A group of opponents is far away from me. I kill about half of them via arrows, and the other (large) half walks my way. One after the other. Slowly. Another one. And another one... sheesh, they're taking their time. If they all do nothing but move, how about letting them all move simultaneously?
4) Why oh why do I have to wait until the creatures death animation is finally finished before I am allowed to select my next unit, let alone attack with it? Let him die in the background and allow me to meanwhile shoot at the next group. Let's see if I can be quick enough to see three death animations at the same time... 
5) Why does a catapult go 'ugh' if hit by arrow? And how about letting it fall apart where it stands instead of turning it over? Okay, with a heavy hammer... perhaps. But I killed them all with arrows...
6) Why don't my opponents ever flee? Here they show up in a huge force, all proud and sure of themselves. After turn one, two of them survive, both heavily injured. And yet they continue to attack? Seems rather illogical.
And an idea: how about letting each unit move individually, not in turns? Say, each unit has a 'Speed' attribute - the fastest units move first, no matter which side they're from. Would make the combat a lot more realistic (as far as shooting magic arrows at dragons can be seen as 'realistic').
I dare say I'm having fun, and wasted a lot of time - again. 
PS: The 'Played' counter in the Impulse system is not particularly accurate - I played this game only three times? Really? You sure? Because I'm not...