So, been playing for a few hours now (more than a few, actually), didn't experience a crash - well done, guys, thanks!
Found a very small buglet: the walking animation during tactical combat has the creatures running too fast, and they're doing ice-skating instead of merely walking. Yes, a small thing, but surprisingly irritating (maybe I'm just tired...)
Some suggestions:
1) I can't do anything in combat while the animation is still running. My archers shot at a wolf, the wolf is shifting back and busy animating, while the focus already switched to the next archer - who cannot fire, but has to wait for the wolf animation to stop. Perhaps store this in a small cache? Allow shooting anyway, as the arrows will need time to reach the target, anyway.
2) Wasn't there a 'Flee' option in MOM? Can't find it here, and think it would be useful.
3) How about a 'Continue last game' button in the menu?
4) The Save and Load buttons are relatively hidden. Yes, the Quick-Save is useful, but if you want to reload a stupid mistake, you have to click around quite a bit...
5) More info required in the Kingdom Report: who's eating all the food, for example? Stats list of all cities, how much each one is producing/using would be useful.
6) The background of the tactical combat is cute and nicely varied. However, would there by any chance of auto-generating it? Thus it would for example show you which part of the town you're currently in.
All in all, I'm delighted. Your very quick responses and patches really help a lot, I'm wasting a looot of time on this game 