Buglets (all of them minor, am having very little trouble after all your patches, thanks a lot for your really fast response!)
1) Am I just nuts or is my dexterity not shown? It is mentioned in the hint of some other attribute, but I couldn't find it elsewhere.
2) Combat: fireballs and arrows usually don't have a correct path: the target is correct, but the source seems to be the lower left of the map, not the character firing it.
3) Archer animation: the character pulls back the bow nicely - pity we can see very clearly that the bow string is still straight. Seeing that during transport, bows are unstringed anyway, how about simply not showing the string at all?
4) Cast Infernal - nice graphics and sound. However, the damage happens before the fire impacts, together with a sword-attack sound.
5) Aaaww, I have kids! Look how cute that baby looks in the crib! And his age is... 19?
1) If I create a familiar, and do so on my square - could you automagically bound him into the troop, where he usually belongs anyway? Currently, I create him, walk forward - and he stays behind, not being part of the gang yet.
2) Spell selection in combat - default to the last selection by that character?
3) Dito with game view - the game always default to a view I always switch away from and never use again. How about starting the loaded/new game with the view I used last?
4) Any chance of being able to select a different weapon in combat? Especially if the concerned character is still far away from enemy contact? That way, my mage could switch to bow and arrow if the enemies are still far enough away...