I have quite a bit of trouble with this game. Fast PC, dual monitors, latest drivers, etc..
* Appeared to have crashed at start - but no, it insists on full screen, and the much-used XXX system asked if Elemental is allowed to access the internet... perhaps better to start with a centered window, and just switch to full screen after accessing the net?
* Lord Relias description in first Campaign: "...humble camp was set abalaze by wondering thieves"..."wandering"?
* The hint for 'Prestige' when looking at my first city overflows its frame, and the text breaks at the wrong place "settlement'<CRLF>s" - besides, why "settlement's" instead of "settlements"?
* Handbook with no back image would be nice - in order to print it out.
* Handbook page 8 - the dots do not line up with the first line of each point made.
* Keyboard Shortcuts: Print Screen ist listed twice (second time as Prt Scr)
* Turn minimap off and on and off and on... after a while, it doesn't get filled anymore, showing just black
* Look at a character in detail - click on a boot - the boot is cut off to early, and cannot be recognized.
* If told that "Options needing restart" - how about a 'restart' option?
And oh yes, it crashed on me, too, a lot...