I have checked all the videos, there is acutally alot of them, which si great... but sadly, I have to say, that UI is still very limited, and rough. It is just too small and too clicky. I do not like idea, that I own large screen to have more space on the screen and be forced to 1024x768 UI screen. Also, it seems, like you do not really think about expanding it. If people come with more races, backgrounds etc... its going to be horrible to choose them, because of clicking on one little smallish arrow...
Overall I hate those small arrows so much, because it does not allow control UI fast. I do not know, why you do not use expanding menus, for stuff like backgrounds, or poses, to make choosing them much easier. I also do not like all the scrolling in the backstories etc... Because UI is small.
I hope that you have fixed scrolling sliders, that I can actually scroll up and down, without needing to have curscor precisely on the button while holding the mouse button.
Combat UI is still horrid, and also, I do not like look of the minimap and overall skin of the UI. You had beatifull UI way back, which was a little bit crowded but it was much much nicer. Also on the left side of the screen are units, and on the right are events, and those are not used to its full potential. More color codes, and info on them, would make them much more useful.
Overall UI is still too dull and cumbersome.
Other then that, I really like what I see and can not wait for release. Other then UI I have high hopes for the game. GJ.