just a general bug/issue/suggestion list, not being negatively critical of the game, just pointing out stuff where i can in the hope it's of use, as it stands i'm having fun against your wishes with the beta:). Also, since it's so close to when your likely to release the next build, some/most/all/'stuff-i-havn't-even-thought-of-yet' have probably already been mentioned and fixed, if so....weee....great for me when your next update comes out:D
Minor Factions
The first minor faction i encountered in the new build had already been taken over by the empire, and as such i had no way of knowing it was a minor faction till i looked closer into why it had 75 more people than it needed to evolve to level 2. Is there anyway that such factions, even if they've been absorbed into a main players ranks, be clearly shown that they are a minor faction, or have limited/no building capacity.
taking over empire settlements as kingdom
When taking an empire settlement as a kingdom race, the building all stay, not sure if this is intended gameplay. For the most part i have no issue with it, as it's quick for me to destroy buildings i don't like/want. But in a level5 empre city that the ai had concentrated on (and was a everythign producing powerhouse), i could build all my buildings on, meaning 1 city could effectively produce like 2, and that seems abit game breaking. Included in those buildings was a warg resource. That also remained AND started giving me 0.3 wargs a turn. Even if the building remains, it sohuld be nothing other than a resource drain, maybe even reducing prestige due to wargs getting out and killing kingdom goers, or perhaps just not give you the resources at all simply because kingdom cannot use them.
city built over max
and the same city mentioned above, it went over whatever hidden hardcap you have on how many tiles can be built on a city, and as such every turn different resources delinked and relinked with the city, resulting in my food fluctuating between 1 and 11 on alternating turns. Not sure if that was a bug. (this ai had a MASSIVE radius, and had gotten very lucky with jsut how many resources it had within it's territory.

The save for those pics is located here
Tactical combat
Before i get into it, i do know frogboy's already said tactical battles are set for another huge change come next build, so i only am mentioning all this on the offchance that something may pop up as being worth looking into. Also i know that some/all of anything has probably already been said a thousand times in the main tactical threads, so just adding my voice ot those.
To sum it up, tactical battles feel like a exercise in making sure the auto system doesn't screw me over. I can eternally run away from a powerful beast, peppering it with spells and other such things, and against a much larger number of weak troops, a simple arrow formation does the job, with them stepping foward to be slaughtered on the simple fact that most of the ai built units i've come up against have only had 1AP, enough to move in range of my nasty unit groups with 3AP. It comes down to their being to many ways to cheat the system, between the ai building massive armies of 1AP units, and shortbows, the only way i could loose a battle is if i let the ai battle for me..
The visual side of the battles feel dull as well, especially when it comes to companies, large groups of units attacking each other. The problem is that doesn't happen, in a 10 v 10, 1 unit of each runs foward to do battle, then the looser keel over dead. It makes sense for this sort of action to happen in the stratigec map, but not down at this level. I know in the background there are alot of attack and defense rolls being rolled, but it just feels like a mini auto-battle within the tactical battle. More visual confirmation would go a long way towards making them more fun.
This group attack policy really hurts when it comes to archers, 1 archer picking a target and shooting is fine, 20 archers all being forced to shoot 1 target out of 10 other seperate units doesn't make sense. A group of archers should have a volley command, where you could pick either a AoE, or line of effect that the archers would aim for, and the arrows being shot out in a slightly random fashion, meaning you can cover more area, but also miss some units completely. As it stands a group of archers spells death for whatever get's attacked, and i don't see this changing even if the bows themselves get nerfed. Being able to command each unit indevidually would be awesome, but having special group commands that only a group could use, as well as some in battle restrictions that they must act within a certain radius of each other. For archers in my mind this is obviously a volley command, for foot solders, form a defensive wall, for calvery perhaps a charge.
The tiles themselves don't help with the stratigec nature of battle. They are just -way- to big for most of the units i've seen in the game. In most of the early battles my sov basically spent more time running around within that tile attacking and counter attacking than he did moving to the tile in the first place. I can see the tiles being useful for really large critters, but that could be solved by simply have much smaller tiles, much larger movement ability, and bigger creatures taking up more tiles. Though i expect this to change soon, the issue amplified by the fact you start 2 tiles away from your opponents, meaning in most cases your already engadged in battle before you can get around to re-arranging your troops. It would be good if you started on opposing ends of the battle ground, giving you more room to prepare, and more tiles means a more varied landscape, and more distance means you can better take advantage of positions on the field. On a side note, while i odn't mind vs ai at this distance, vsing a mirror image army from another human would be horrible at 2 tile range.
Right now fighting in a city affords now visual or strategic bonus apart from a bonus to all unit defense stationed in the city, i'm hoping that a city map would have lots of raods and building to get in the way of things, and to afford many defensive options for a defending player in addition to a set bonus from research and forts.
I'm certainly lookin foward to the next update for more tactical goodness though
PS. Archers need some range limitation
Bugs and issues
I was doing a/the master quest, putting pieces together (yay for a more complex MQ) and came up against a bunch of really nasty darklings which turned alot of my units into mincemeat and left my sov doing a runner from battle. The first bug is the fact the on leaving the battle after only killing half of them, i was awarded the piece hidden there, and the left over darklings became just a group on the overworld map. The piece should have stayed in the goodie hut till i killed all the guards, or atleast been a item sitting on the ground in the battle map that i could pick up and run off with.
On exiting the battle the remain darklings because a group just sitting there, so afte buffing the essense of my sov, i attempted to go fight them again, and this is the result

the issue being that despite my sov (by himself) initiating combat, he wasn't included in said combat, resulting in an instant defeat of all other troops of mine involved. All 0 of them:P
Also as part of the battle i couldn't work out how the top darklings combat rating was so much higher compared to the bottom ones

It appears that a increase of .2 combat speed despite having much less health, attack and defense +=200 combat rating.
[Forests and Trees]
I mention them both because i'm getting slightly different glitches with both. A single tile with some tree's shows up in the 3D view, but nothing appears on the cloth map. With the Forests, in the 3D view i can see the ground texture for the forests, but no tree's. And i don't see any Forest in the Cloth map.

(see top right tool tip to show i'm not imagining tree's^^)
[Tactical Battles]
I've had some spells cause some really weird effects, not sure if this is something that might just be related ot my pc(though i havn't seen anything like this before on my pc, nor since). It's also not constistant, aka, sometimes it causes a funky look, othertimes it doesn't. Each spell produces it's own unique look when it's done one
(casting chain lighting)


(when attempting to select my sov before doing something else. the something else makes this go away)

(another spell, pretty sure if was fireball)

[Raise and Lower Land spells]
for the most part these work fine, but in some cases they've produce some weird results. The first is the result of using raise along the edge of beachs and cliffs, pushing cliff lines into each other. (as a gameplay note, untill i clear the cliffs, the area is impassable to units despite there being proper squares of land there.
The Second appeared sometimes when i was lowering mountains, other areas would resize themselve by flicking back to their origional point and then sliding back into their new position. Not sure what caused this as i havn't has the chance to try and reproduce it again. Might have had something to do with if i do something with the hero before the land had finished moving completely, thereby stopping the land from moving occasionally.

Most of the offensive spells desperately need a range limit of some kind. It's fun against the AI being able to do explicitly naughty things to them halfway across the world, but i don't think i would enjoy doing the same to a human player, or having it done against me. Maybe have the range as a researchable item, similar to spell points and essence cap. Otherwise i can see people using reveal....then volcanoe across a massive map it seems to over-powered. In battle it really feels to OP, some i could understand have a large range/maybe full map range, others need a much smaller range otherwise in a sov v sov match, i can see the sov with the first turn destroying the otherone with spells.
Alt-Tab Crash
alt tab Crash has appeared again for me, isn't producing a dmp when it crashes, but grabbed the debug.err file incase it helps
Yikes that was a big post, i hope for all the reading in there there's actually atleast 1 bit of worthwhile info:)