No shit....maybe some people won't like my opinion, but imo murderers should be tortured before death, just like in the dark ages.
But that sort of mentality (torture) makes the justice system every bit as deranged as the murderers they are putting to death.
If you, who did not commit murder, would enjoy the idea of torturing someone,
for whatever reason, then you understand what it is like to be a murderer. You have reasons for causing harm and duress to someone else, that you justify, JUST like a murderer justifies
their reasons for causing harm and duress to someone else.
I enjoy justice and fairness just like the next person, but as human beings, we are not omniscient, so we can never know what made somebody do something, and whether we have all the facts on someone who is charged with a crime.
At the heart of torturing someone as punishment, is the presumption that person is 100% responsible for everything we accuse them of. In the criminal justice system, we incarcerate people because we believe they chose to be that way of their free will. My problem with that is that science doesn't fall very heavily on the side of free will. Science says we DON'T have free will--that we are a product of our heredity, our chemical makeup, our past experiences (experiences we learned things from), and our environment. Given the same experiences, chemical makeup, heredity and environment of the murderer you want to torture before death, YOU would do the exact same things they did and then YOU would be the one on the receiving end of the torture.
I'm not really sure where I stand on the issue of capital punishment. I know for a fact that I don't agree with it, FOR punishment. I can understand exterminating someone who murders repetitively, to make the world safer for others, but that's not punishment, it doesn't correct the behavior, and ethically I think the only one who should be making that decision to exterminate that person are the family members of the person who was murdered. I look at this the same way I look at having to euthanize a pet that can't be rehabilitated (I've had 2 violent dogs in my lifetime, that I had to make the decision to exterminate because I just didn't have the resources to train the violence out of them) -- it's not something that's done for punishment, it's always tragic and it's only done to prevent a greater tragedy.