Quoting Jafo,
reply 118
It's amusing that the arguments here parallel those of whether piracy is right or not.
Anyone who promotes drug use is a fool.
The silly part of all this is that the OP is clearly deficient in logical thought processes which suggests drug abuse on a significant scale.
I have a pretty strong objection to your last statement. If Raven X's mind is damaged from long-term drug abuse, he would not be able to compose text as coherently as he does. Frankly, Raven X someone who posts a great deal on these forums and always writes with solid grammar and spelling, I think this is a cheap shot from you. You can disagree with what he says, but saying he holds his opinions out of some sort of perceived mental infirmity doesn't do you any credit at all and is insulting.
I've never met Raven X, but as someone who actually does have a brain disease, I think Raven X probably functions better than I do on a daily basis, at least when I'm not on medication.
That's good looking out man, I appreciate that. I'm not the "OP" in this case though...lol. I don't take Jafo's saying "anyone who promotes drug use is a fool" thing personally. Why? Because I don't promote drug use for anyone but ME 
My stance on whether or not Pot should be legal is based on my life-time experiences of seeing the law constantly go Overboard, yet again, on minor offenders and ruining people's lives over more or less nothing. Now that I'm disabled and use pot as a pain killer it's only strengthened my convictions. I'm also a active member of NORML which is The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws.
As Jafo points out though many drug users just don't seem that intelligent, but, luckily there are many drug users who ARE intelligent. I do count myself among the later group, but we all have our own opinions. We all know about opinions too, opinions are like assholes. Everybody has one and they ALL Stink...LoL.
I appreciate the thought though, brother. Thank You