I'm still getting this problem too. Using Windows XP Home Edition, 3GB RAM, ATI Radeon HD3800, the latest Catalyst 10.6 drivers.
As in other reports, with Advanced Lighting turned on everything appears murky brown and cloudy, with Advanced Lighting off things look better, but opening a panel like the Research Screen causes permanent afterimages like shown above.
Other issues are:
When I deselect Use Fullscreen from video options and restart, it still runs in fullscreen.
The first screen that comes up when you get a quest has no text in it.
The new game content is looking cool, its too bad I'm still continuing to have these graphics issues.
On the plus side, the intro movie and mainmenu screen had been extremely choppy/jerky in past versions, and now play much more smoothly.
edit: as for quickfixes, the only thing I've found that works is to change to Advanced Lighting before you need to open the Kingdom/Tech screen etc, then change back afterward. There are still some afterimages but they're somewhat less. Trying various combos of video options hasn't seemed to help.