Some weirder spells
Spell Name: Blood Sacrifice
Level: Strategic
Arcane Knowledge: 12 (medium)
Mana: 20 (medium)
Shards: No shards
Effect: First born child is killed when cast. Caster gains 10 ability points (level ups) permanently.
Spell Book: Blood / Life /Death / Souls ?
Notes: Child must possess 10 essence to qualify for sacrifice. May only be cast once per sovereign.
Spell Name: Birth of a Hero
Level: Strategic
Arcane Knowledge: 30 (High)
Mana: ??
Shards: No shards
Effect: Transform one normal unit into an NPC hero (type of the caster's choosing: adventurer, merchant, etc.) permanently
Spell Book: Influence
Notes: Cannot be dispelled
Spell Name: Flash Reinforcements
Level: Tactical
Arcane Knowledge: 30 (high)
Mana: ??
Shards: No shards
Effect: Caster calls a faction unit from somewhere else on the map to fight in the current battle.
Spell Book: War / Battle / Teleportation
Notes: Unit remains with the battle group after tactical resolution.
Spell Name: Stymie
Level: Tactical
Arcane Knowledge: High
Mana: ??
Shards: No shards
Effect: Caster forces one enemy unit to flee the field.
Spell Book: War / Battle
Notes: Unit is simply removed the battle and moved to an adjacent space on the world map, not destroyed
Spell Name: Ritual of the Sun
Level: Strategic / tactical
Arcane Knowledge: High
Mana: ??
Shards: fire
Effect: Caster's units are immune to the effects of any fire spells this turn
Spell Book: fire
Notes: No fire spells will affect caster's units enemy or friendly
(could be repeated for each of the shard types Ritual of the Waves, the Winds, etc.)
Spell Name: Dowsing Rod
Level: Strategic
Arcane Knowledge: Very High
Mana: a ton
Shards: No shards
Effect: Caster causes a rare material source to spawn near the selected tile.
Spell Book: Creation / Alteration
Notes: Potentially, this rare resource could also spawn with a guardian unit just to make things fun.
Spell Name: Pipes of Pan
Level: Tactical
Arcane Knowledge: High
Mana: ??
Shards: No shards
Effect: Cast on friendly unit. Enemy units that are able to attack target unit will do so for spell's duration or death of target unit.
Spell Book: War / Battle
Spell Name: Dark Apothecaries
Level: Strategic
Arcane Knowledge: Very High
Mana: ??
Shards: No shards
Effect: Any units wounded in battle have a 25% chance of death after battle resolution.
Spell Book: Death
Notes:All units, including the caster's, are affected during spell duration.
Spell Name: Visions of the Prophet
Level: Strategic
Arcane Knowledge: Very High
Mana: ??
Shards: No shards
Effect: Caster can see the location of all NPC heroes for the spell duration.
Spell Book: Clairvoyance