heard a report on the BBC regarding the plant that manufacturers the iphone and ipad in southern China. there have been 14 suicides in the last year due to working conditions/low wages. workers work 10 hours days 7 days a week and regardless of seniority earn 1$/hour.
Yeah, I've heard this also, more than once now... and despite almost slave labour pay rates, Apple still has the hide to charge absolute top dollar for all its products.
On top of Jobs' sickening smugness, it's another reason I point blank refuse to buy an iPod/iPhone/iPad. And what is it with all this iCrap anyhow??? I can understand "iMac" to indicate the more recent Intel architecture, but all this other iCrap is ridiculous. i this and i that.. it's enough to make i sick
Uh-oh, too bad!!! I was considering an iMac PC for mid-2011... until i read this. According to this PCMech article, ALL Apple computers are made in cheaply made in China. Won't be buying one now, then... will I!!!!
Thing is, how many other companies (Intel, AMD, Gigabyte, etc) have set up operations in China to exploit cheap (almost slave) labour??? It may be that China has edged out many Western nations in manufacturing, but it is the greed of Western corporations that has enabled this... all at the expense of the lowly Chinese worker. At the end of the day, however, if we boycott the companies responsible for such atrocities, what 'll be left for us to buy?
Many of Chines workers suffer sub-human working conditions we wouldn't even subject our worst convicts to, much less an animal... yet very little is said or done within the international community to help improve conditions for them.... we still purchase the products without so much as a by your leave or thank you to oppressed who made them. More to the point, how many manufacturing jobs in the US UK and Australia, etc, have been permanently lost as a result of companies shifting operations offshore to China???
Since the dawn on the industrial revolution, economies without a solid base in manufacturing have struggled, so why is it that developed nations like the US and the UK keep selling off their manufacturing assets?? These counrties suffered extensively during the world financial meltdown... yet China, Taiwan and South Korea were thriving. Why? Because they have recognised the importance of having tangible products to trade in a consumerist and tech driven world...instead of trying to create intangible IT wealth, electronically and on paper.
I'm just a lowly pensioner with just a basic understanding of economics, but it still beats me why treasurers, finance ministers and corporate entities persist with their financial strategies when they clearly have failed. They need to get back to basics, but I don't see that happening until the major banks and establishments like Wall St are brought to their knees... and large corporations become honest (I won't say again because I don't know they ever were).