Sorry to interrupt the bash-fest, but someone has to play the Devil's Advocate here. I've done a lot of digging in Google's cache, and I've found multiple points where you broke their rules. The threads were often locked and you were told exactly why, and then you said the same thing in another thread. Here's an example:
"I am also disapointed by fact that HoI3 is still broken 9 months after relese and to fix some of those absurd bugs, Paradox want me to pay another 20€ for SF.
Paradox made many promises before release of HoI3 and I am not happy with results. Also when many of us asked for casualty stats, our threads were locked without proper reason (there was no flaming, no arguments etc.) which should be standart feature for such game."
This is what the rules say, and what the moderators repeated when they locked threads:
"NOTE: Threads on Millitary Statistics are not be started. We really don't care that you as a community can not discuss this like adults."
Cached version of another such thread can be found here. I'm not sure if that link works though.
And... Once again.
I love this game. But I also think that game shouldnt have gamebreaking bugs before you start charging for expansions (Yes, I am spoiled by Valve).
I will buy SF as soon as its released at Steam. I am also willing to buy future expansions and games from Paradox, but it need to be less buggy and combat simulation need to be more reallistic (which would currently affect performance, but if HoI3 supported multicore CPUs it wouldnt be problem IMO).
Oh and I (and many others) would like to have casualty stats
Each time you bring up casualty stats, the moderators come along and tell you to NOT DO IT. That is against their rules. And then you do it again. Please stop acting like the moderators are going on some "power trip." Frankly, I find it offensive.
Further, you aren't always as nice as you would have us think. There was a point in time (I can't get the quote because I've opened up enough caches now that google thinks I'm a bot) where you explicitly told somebody to "STFU" because you disagreed with them.