Quoting UhelligGudn, reply 119
reply 118
eg: You buy Nimoth and nobody else can from that shop.
Wow... that sounds like the best idea I have ever heard...
I just want to make your sarcasm even more pronounced so the people that do not have a sarcasm radar understand you.
The way to make items more viable is to make them more useful and not destroy hp stacking by the LIMITING OF CHOICES in items.
Basically taking the useless items like Platemail of the Crusader,Vinling Helm, Assassins Footgaurds, Ironwalkers, Desperate boots, and all of the gloves and a few trinkets and INCREASING the values that they give the wearer to a competitive level with the other items.
Favor items also need to be looked at but I am sure this patch wont address either balancing items or favor items. This patch will more than likely focus on fixing bugs like Oculus's brainstorm not working properly instead of any sort of balancing.

But how could you not take more items in the shop in a 4vs4 if only 1 of each item can be on each team. You'd have to learn to use them.
"Ah man, Sabatons! If only I laned better" 
Regardless, my real position has always been many of the items cost way too much money. Once you get over 1750, it's hard to justify the cost for something that doesn't give you life or mana when cit upgrades are also necessary.
eg: If theurgist cap was 1500, might you think about taking it if you are playing a minion build? You'd obviously still take unbreakable over it, but really, why are you going to consider an item that does not give you life or mana, and costs far more then the life or mana items that you so despeartely need.
What about warlord's punisher? 1250? You might actually be able to afford it when it can make a difference. At the beginning of the game.
Forest band. 750? 600? Would you use it as a temporary pickup item if you had spare change after buying unbreakable after your 1st shop visit? It can make a difference when you are pushing towers with early minions before they get strong/numerous enough.
Sabatons. 200? (banded, sabaton and TP/potion at start)
Duelists/Vengeance: 1500 each too? Would that be competitive with Nimoth depending on which DG you are using?
List goes on etc... but for items, it's easy to buff some of the expensive items too much accidentally, so the game becomes even more slippery slope for the people who have more money. Probably best to lower prices of the current items instead of improving them, to make them competitive with the typical choices.