I hope these surveys are not only helpful to us fans, but also provides useful feedback for StarDock.
I found it interesting that looking at the gameplay as a whole (and where it needs to be in regards to going to Beta 3) over 90% felt that we were less than halfway there. I thought that was a pretty mature and measured response. It is clear the majority that took the survey are more concerned about quality than rushing the beta process. I think that is awesome.
I also found it interesting that breaking things down by systems, people tended to overal rate things "more complete" than they did in question 1. Even the two lowest rated pieces, the diplomacy and dynasty, rated higher (more complete) when rated separately.
On a side note, I realize that changes could be put in in a VERY short time that would drastically alter these numbers.
On question 3 it looks like I maybe should have extended the options farther into the future. Given that StarDock is still holding to a "hoped for" Sept 1 release, I thought that going to Beta 3 in July would give people plenty of options. Yet 77% chose either June or July, so it is a sure bet that if I would have provided August and September that some people would have chosen that option. Live and learn.
Question 4 I thought had a pretty good distribution of responses. Nice bell curve. Same with 5. Stardock deserves kudos I think for getting 85% saying they were either "very responsive" or "setting an industry standard" to addressing concerns and responding to feedback.
I did not include question 6, as it was meant in humor and elicited the desired result!