Private property has nothing to do with privacy. The term refers to something owned by an individual third party, as opposed to government (public property). If you walk into a store, business, or home, you're on private property (the door being open or not to random passersby is irrelevant); you'd be on public property in the street, in a state park, government office, etc.
When you're on someone else's property, they get to decide if you're allowed there and what you're allowed to do, even if what you're doing is completely legal. If you walk into a business and start making a disruption or ranting about how horrible you are to everyone around, they've got every right to show you the door.
Technically something being private property does not mean it isnt bound by law
u cannot, for instance, proliferate child porn
depending on what country you are in, being a private property doesnt guarantee the owners discretion todo whatever he feels like, u cannot deny someones civil or human rights for the sole reason of being on your property. That is a ridiculous statement.
In the store example; imagine a hamburger joint that doesnt serve afro americans.u would need to fabricate a solid legal structure to make that stick (ie make a club with membership requirements etc). It being open to passers by is indeed relevant.
I havent read the legal notices of this forum (i dont need to because i behave like a mature person), but it is striking to see a corporation (stardock in this case) dismiss the law and civil rights this easy, while they jump in all directions when someone 'steals' their 'intellectual property'.
Alittle bit more respect would be in place imo
All this doesnt mean u cant delete posts, but doing so should be bound by clear rules stated in agreement of use and those should be applicable to all using this forum.And these rules can never involve violating someones civil rights or human rights nor can they be against the law of the country the website is hosted in, no matter what agreement of use is being set up.