My votes are:
Best Chatroom Moment
Ok, this one is easy. I vote: Argument over the existence of magic, for sure. Twilight Storm's rage is priceless
, and by far the best moment in the Chatroom IMO, as I have said many times before.
Allow me to remind you of that moment:
Morph, Drop it right now you self-ritious son of a bitch. That was absolutely uncalled for and you know it. You baited her into it from the very beginning when she came into the war and now you're outright making fun of her beliefs.
Go fuck yourself. I am absolutely done with this and you.
-Twilight Storm
Best Chatroom Buddies
Hmm, this is quite difficult, especially because I am nominated twice, along with Shiro and Whiskey.
I vote Whiskey and Morph.
Best Troll
I would like to vote myself, but I dont think I am allowed to, LOL 
So I vote Whiskey.
(It would be difficult to decide between myself and Whiskey anyway)
Btw, who the hell nominated ArcticBlunder here???
He is by far the worst troll I have ever seen. He didnt even bother to create a new account, he just used the existing account named "Skidiantasa", renamed it to ArcticBlunder, and changed his avatar.
Most Interesting Person
This is by far the easiest category.
With absolute certainty, I vote Xer07.
By far the most interesting person on THE WHOLE FORUMS 
Most Likely to do something to completely Confound(Confuse) us all
LOL, who submitted this category? 
Ah anyway, I have to vote, AGAIN! 
I'd like to say nobody, although I suppose that isnt really an option. So my vote goes to: Whiskey
So these are my votes, but I want to submit a new category, so expect a PM from me soon, Alt.
"My Pokemans. Let me show you them"