Lolz. A good point. I even stuck it out for about 6 months before I left, Stupidly thinking that if I told people what the problems were they might fix a few of them (I get that some were unavoidable)
Dont worry, there's always jobs like that, where you get some douches working with you. Unfortunately, there isnt a cure douchebag-ness yet 
I Just read back to the beginning of this month...I CAN'T BELIEVE I MISSED SUCH GOOD TROLLING BY SUCH A SHORT TIME MARGIN!!!
Sad Face...
He he, thats the Chatroom for ya
You have to keep up with it, otherwise you might lose the good stuff, and all the fun involved.
Stay tuned for more 
Giving into temptations
Whiskey no!!!

LOLZ Altaux, you just made my day! 
The troll-fest in general about 5 pages ago. Would have gived me a chance to make a grand entrance.
The grand entrance by Twilight Storm, that would bring a "storm" to the Chatroom. I am soooo.....sad that we missed it 
And from the looks of things, it would have put me and morph on the same side...wait...maybe it's a good thing I wasn't here or this might have happened:
This can never happen, because:
A. The Universe would collide, and
B. We would then have to rethink everything regarding physics laws as we know them, and that would make so many scientists and physicists FAIL.
In short, it is impossible!! 
"My Pokemans. Let me show you them"