It's actually quite good, because there's usually several of you on each team, so you only have to manage a few squads each, and only really your assaulting squads. I tend to use units like Havocs and Devastator Marines to hold ground after points have been taken.
Anyway, you can still play the mode where there's four of you as a customised character of your choice each, versus a ton of enemies. That's fun.
Dont worry, I will try MP, when I actually purchase and play the game. It was just a guess that I will probably suck at it lol 
1. I'm not upset. If I was upset, I'd probably ended up using exclamation marks, dumbass. ROLF, you seriously don't know what conflict means.
2. That sounded so pedofillia in so may ways.
3. I can play that game too if you want. Anyone can make up stuff that's a poor attempt to insult someone. Childish, it is really.
Hmm...I dont recall numbering any of my sentences in that particular reply of mine (the one you quoted), he he 
1. I didnt say there was any conflict. The exact opposite in fact. I said that there's no conflict at all, since the only person who's upset here is you
(You have to learn how to read, lol) Also, you can at least try to look cool or something, lol
You certainly seem upset, so I dont see why I have to believe your claim that you arent.
2. No, not really. But I guess if someone has a really dirty mind, and maybe is into pedophilia, might think that my comment (the one you numbered as 2) was of that nature. So that makes you a pedophile, my friend 
3. No, its not childish. I actually find it funny, and with some decent taste of humor. And no, I wasnt trying to insult you LOL
I was merely messing with you for fun.
Lastly, how can you make so many spelling/grammatical errors? My 12 year-old brother speaks English fluently, and has only studied English for nearly 4 years. (of course its not his native language)
Honestly though, I want to see what you will do, in the limited amount of time you will spend here. I am just curious.
"We were inhuman beings....butchers on a field of corpses....corrupt and depraved....only a sum of viscera, blood, and bone - Creatures without soul."