idc about the OS i wanna know what graphics card i meen he don't need it rite?
LOL Alena just woke up screaming said she had a dream about story i think i really just damaged my lil sister or she just has an over reactive imagination
IFear doesnt use graphics cards and sound cards or CPU or whatever.
He is far more advanced than these mere PCs we humans use. Nobody has ever been to his mainframe, thus we DONT know what kind of technology he uses or where his mainframe is located. All we know is that he is a sentient AI, a highly advanced Computer.
About Alena, I would advise you not to let your sister know about your.....adventures
So yeah, be careful next time.
Quoting morpheas768, reply 3097
IFear is an AI, thus he only responded to a question that is registered into his database. Other posts, like Xer07's crush and his friends for example, he cannot fully understand them, as he is still studying human emotions, and is constantly learning new information about us humans.
No, I did get the update for that^
But when you all post 5 pages in a few hours, do you really expect me to address everything?
I'm also dissapointed that I couldn't compete in any karma events. I've still got one joke; can I win if it gets teh tree lolz?
He he, good point, we posted like hell yesterday (today for me).
But no, sorry the events are closed atm. You cant get karma for that 
"Successful Troll is Successful"