But just because he was not a socialist in everything he did, does not mean he was not a socialist in his philosophy of how a society should function (Capitalism, Socialism, Monarchism Communism).
What we should not do is say that Nazism = Socialism. Socialism was a part of Nazism, but not equal to it. It was much more and almost all of it bad.
Hmm... let me put it this way...
I do expect both a facist regime and a socialist government to, say, have enormous government funded infrastructure projects. That's expected. In fact, economically, I'll admit, they're similar. But superficial is an important word.
I think the problem we're both running into is the difference between philosphy vs. practice. Communism is an extremely different philosophy from feudalism even if they function very similarly. Now, economically, nazism and socialism are related in areas. But Hitler's reasoning was to preserve cultural purity and strike out at the percieved enemies of his race in order to carry out some sort of racial destiny, while socialism, oppositely, will do things more out of a sense of humanism out of a desire to serve the greater good (in theory). And these different goals are reflected, quite strongly, in their economic and social policies.
That's why I think Nazism and socialism shouldn't be confused. Now, I am "left" wing, I don't think I'm a socialist, but if I was a socialist, I definitely wouldn't be a nazi. I'd also really prefer people know the difference between communism and socialism (socialism is not another word for communism) but I'm not prepared to take that undertaking.

I think this chart is a pretty good illustration of where Hitler is compared to Stalin. While I don't think the chart gives a perfect representation, it works.
This is a good website to go to. They made the chart above and somewhere on that website is a good explanation why they placed Hitler where they did.
According to the political test, I'm some sort of anarcho-communist, even though I don't particularly feel like one. Take it with a grain of salt, I guess.