Ok I think its been long enough that we can try a Funny Pic thread again!
1. No Offensive Pictures. We don't want this one locked like the others right?
2. 3 Picture MAXIMUM!
3. No Intentional Double-Posting.
Click to watch! Brought to you by failblog.
Veers: You act like I don't have similar restrictions. (I'm supposed to be off by 9, technically)
Nice pix, I"ll post some this weekend Wednesday. I'll be grounded EPICLY by this weekend.
Xer0 \^/
Ugh the worst part of this computer is that I can't download crap w/o my parents permission. So no games, no demotivational pictures, no nothin'! I was slated for a promotion in one of my games but now I can't get it since you need to be active IN-GAME for it to happen. Sucks!
Damn. Windows parental controls? I just convinced my parents to get Windows 7. (Business version, it has no parental controls, tell them it runs better).
I'll see about sneaking on while I'm grounded, but it's... iffy.
Well, I might be able to get 1 game on it in a week
Post Pics! Hurry! 15 mins to go!
ah, you're the only one who can get me to post. For some odd reason...
The cat on the left...
Um was that pic intended? Looks like a failed post to me.
Good, but old Vid:
Anyone whos played Tetris should understand this:
Jake and Amir:
Still can't get videos to properly embed.
On the upside you can laugh at me as I try to get embedded videos to work.
Finally Got it to work, this dude is hilarious.
Hilarious Video! Some language though.
Not a pic but a video explaing E.T.
Not sure how to embed.
Swearing in this video.
Funny Vids.
Swearing Follows:
For the Sake of Veers' Ego, I"ll resume posting here...
Time for this game to die
*throws rice*
Sheesh Veers. How selfish. You only post to keep your own game alive. BANNED YOU ARE FROM MY FORUM GAMES!
(Just kidding, but do drop by soon)
So do I get karma for #100?
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