Hey everyone, I just recently reinstalled Sins and bought entrenchment, and its been at least a year since I've modded anything on here and came into a few bumps in the road trying to get started again.
Trying to enable a mod just ends in the game freezing- It doesn't seem to because of changes I'm making as I tried enabling the basic delete Advent in the forge documentation and got the same freeze. From reading a few posts it sounds like perhaps the gameinfo folder I'm using could be out of date? If that's the case, how can I use the convertdata.exe? I try clicking it or dragging an entity file onto the program and I just got a flash of a box before it closes without seeming to do anything.
Is the issue possibly not even the files with gameinfo and has something changes that you do differently to make/enable mods in the past year? I'm just kind of at a loss as even following the instructions from the forge tools I just added to the letter, my game will freeze anytime I attempt to enable a created mod, so any help would be appreciated.