Glad to finally see/read this post. Tried to take it all in. Several ideas sounded promising. I will now attempt to come up with a few quests myself. I might be plagerizing previous ideas/comments. Feel flattered and not offended please. I can see a need for a quest format with branching tree's and quest plot(s). So what should the quest editor have?
The quest editor should have a flagged event(s) to enact/start preliminary quest/main quest/quest outcome-effect/post quest links to other quests or events. Each prequest flagged event(s) should have a Dialogue tree/Plot tree linked to the quest events editor.
Here is an example quest. Soverign Magicke is going about the day to day maintenance of running his City-State of the Ars Arkanix. The prime city is called Gesh. In the throne room a messenger has arrived from a trade outpost on the outskirts of the City-State. As this messenger is a royal messenger he advances as protocal dictates and say's with a sweeping bow, "My liege; a caravan has been attacked at Boighnton on Frostgoot. It was completely destroyed, plundered with murderous result! I asked the stablehands to be prepared with a fresh mount my liege. What message should I take back?"
Now Magicke has to make a decision. I think there should be several options for how a quest can start. For now lets say this quest is randomly generated caused by a length of time in game. So, an "attack" would be a threat or war event. There should also be a defence event, find event, reward event, translate event, manage event, messenger event(like the example, which was generated through a predermined script/event tree after so many turns/rounds{which could be variable but still have predefined conditional timers}, etc.
Magicke says "Take some refreshment squire", while I ponder my decision. A list of decisions should be available to pick from.
A. "Tell the local militia I will be sending reinforcements forthwith"
B. "Tell the local militia to expect reinforcements, and, one of my personal Knights Excelsior to take charge.
C. "I cannot be bothered with this, other matters are more urgent."
D. "I will personally see to this!" Looks into Mystical Orb surrounded by dark blue velvet. The Orb flares into a weird, throbbing motion of dark images and colours. Magicke excercises a portion of his essence through the Orb and reveals the culprits of this nefarious deed. Of course there should be some limitations on the Orb so it cannot be used exclusively.
E. "Squire, see what you can do. We have no spare troops at the moment."
F. Use the attack in a propaganda campaign against one of your opponents. Links to Diplomacy and Prestige.
If the answer is B. Then Magicke sends one of his Knights Excelsior -in this case Sir Corwine de Lancet - to Boighnton on Frostgoot. Sir Corwine, then moves there with a company of Arkanix Archers and Cavaliers. Soon, they encounter some murderous cut-throats which they quickly dispatch. In the wreckage of the battlefield, Corwine finds evidence leading him to believe that a Cult of some evil deity is nearby.
They continue to scout the area of suspicion and within a few turns find a little used trail heading towards a swampy area. Most of Boighnton is farmlands(grape vineyards and dairy farms). The River Frostgoot sits along Boighnton's northern boundary. The trail sir Corwine and his troops find heads eastward into a region that has yet to be civilized or patrolled. Soon, Sir Corwine comes a across a multi-tiered Temple of the Frogking.
What are Sir Corwine choices? The obvious one is to explore the Temple. Maybe we can make multiple choices, say pick A and C. Or A, B, and D.
A. Explore
B. Loot and Pillage
C. Find clues to Trade Caravan destruction
D. Leave Area
E. Post Sentries and request reinforcements
F. Post Sentries
Sir Corwine decides on course A to start. He also decides to post sentries. While exploring the Temple, Sir Corwine slays a Frogpriest and gets another clue. The Frog Cult is actively worshipping Grribbbdit, a bulbously fat Demon of ugly squat features with slimey skin and grotesquely bent arms. Gribbbdit is ravenously in love with cheese and demands it as tribute. His followers were just following orders. Boighnton becomes a battleground in which Gribbbdit makes an appearance with severall followers.
Sir Corwine has been effective as a "officer" and recieves a commission. New title conferred with appropriate bonuses. Company of Archers and Cavaliers both receive promotions. Sir Corwine now uses a Pendant that Magicke gave to him before embarking on this mission. Magicke now takes direct part in Gribbbdits downfall and transfers the demonic energies into a "banked pool of energy". The battle didn't end up taking very long. That demon wasn't very powerful after all.