since the other thread is breaking a lot time to start a new thread to keep going.
i will start by banning everyone who bans here lol
Banned for Goldfish in my alphabet soup.
banned for not taking the cod
Banned for Halibut. mmmm The best. And gooood for you.
banned for not going with the salmon
Banned for farm fresh salmonilla... yuk Never ever buy that stuff. They crap where they eat. No choice, no room. VERY BAD!
Only the real deal is yum yum.
Banned because growing your own bacteria sounds wonderful. Organic. Green.
Banned for Dr Seuss has to update his poetry. Green eggs and salm.
Banned for Fox in Socks, which is the best one IMO.
Banned for this should be the new Dr Who!! IMO
banned for demanding a picture of Dr Who
Banned for reprimanding an upstanding person for demanding
banned for trying to be upstanding
Banned for demanding get's you these....
They missed out. But at least she's the Companion.
Banned for oh yeah, and guess who?
banned for posting mulitple pictures
banned for using the word mulitple
Banned for elementary . Aliens abducted the Ryat.
Got probed.
Made an alien friend who taught him Karate.
They replace him with a mirror image clone.
But alas , and now he's destined to make spelling errors.. poor the ryat
banned for saying i am cracked
Banned for actually being cracked.
banned for actuallality
Banned for fact being stranger than fiction.
banned for strangerness
Banned for * kiss kiss, bonjour le Ryat*
banned for being Frenchy
Banned for posting old pictures of people that I don't know. T_T
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