since the other thread is breaking a lot time to start a new thread to keep going.
i will start by banning everyone who bans here lol
Banned because Monday.
Banned for Mondays should be disallowed.
Banned for calendars.
Banned for time flying.
Banned for flying with time.
Banned for time traveling.
Banned for not having a TARDIS.
Banned for Allons'y..... lol
Banned for doctoring.
Allons-y indeed.
OMG Ban. Xenon posted lore...
banned for going on without me
Banned for thinking we would wait on your gas-cloud self.
banned by the gases within
Banned for calculus.
Banned for it adding up.
banned for twisting the numbers your way
Banned for yeah? And your banning me for that?
banned for questioning my banning!
Can I ban you?
Yes, I can.
Banned for that's funny...
banned for laughing
Banned for not laughing. I did. Yes, yes I did.
Banned for double spaces emote. <
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