Ah.... December, and silly-season is almost upon us.
Along with the end of the year comes the last Community Promotions for 2009, and a great bunch they are, too.
Congrats, everyone....
Nicholas Scarlett - http://users.wincustomize.com/2225046/
Richie31 - http://richie31.wincustomize.com/
Onklifiziert - http://onkeltommy.wincustomize.com/
ShippD - http://shippd.wincustomize.com/
G47 - http://g47.wincustomize.com/
DPCloud - http://dpcloud.wincustomize.com/
Master Apprentice:
CountryYokel - http://countryyokel.wincustomize.com/
OutdoorPictures - http://outdoorpictures.wincustomize.com/
Butch123 - http://butch.wincustomize.com/
Mirsguy - http://mirsguy.wincustomize.com/
Congratulations to all the promotees!
It gave me a warm feeling inside when i saw my name .
I'm really honored.
thanks a lot and congrats to all
Don, Darren, and Richie--way to go. Same to the others, especially mirsguy, butch123 and Country Yokel.
congratz all!
Thank you very much everyone, I am deeply honoured and truly appreciate it. Congratulations to all the others who got promoted as well. Happy holidays...
Well done to all 10 promotees. Excellent choices, and a special hooray to ShippD, Butch and Mirsguy.
OMG I can't believe it thanks for the promo and congrats to all for there promo also.
congrats to all
Congratulations everyone!!! Way to go Butch!!!! ...Darren!!!
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