Before I copy&paste a wall of text, I want to say that I like that part mentioned by DamnedChoir of the offspring having their own powers, interests and desires. I had an idea similar to that but quite simple in comparison to it. Anyways, wall of text ahead. Read at your own peril. (in my tiny world, bold doesn't mean loud but important)
We have Kingdom A lead by Sovereign A, Kingdom B lead by Sovereign B, and Kingdom C lead by Sovereign C. Both Sovereigns have offspring: Offspring A1 and Offspring A2 for Sovereign A, Offspring B1 and Offspring B2 for Sovererign B, and Offspring C1 and Offspring C2 for Sovereign C.
We suppose as rule that the surpreme rule/command must come always from Sovereigns (Beasts and possibly some neutral cities are exceptions to this supposition). In a devastated world, these bings that can heal the land and weild powerful magics are sought as the best protection that one man can have. People might join one Sovereign because they like it, or just to avoid to be under the rule of one they don't like and from which they can be protected by being under the rule of otere different Sovereign.
Case 1
In our first example Soveriegn B dies. Kingdom B would be left headless. The oldest offspring would inherit the rule and might face a different options:
- Kingdom B is more powerful than Kingdom A and Kingdom C, their relations doesn't matter
- If their enemies are weaker, B1 might decide that they don't need a Sovereign to protect them and decide that they will remain Neutral. This might change once one of the other Kingdoms becomes more powerful.
- Kingdom A is more powerful than Kingdom B and have good relations; Kingdom C is less powerful than A
- Considering that Kingdom A is more powerful but they have good relations with it, B1 might consider to remain Neutral or offer themselves as vassals.
- Kingdom C is more powerful than Kingdom B and have bad relations; Kingdom A is less powerful than C
- Considering that Kingdom C is more powerful but they have bad relations with it, B1 might find difficult to remain Neutral as an option. He would have to choose between offering themselves as vassals of Kingdom C, or maybe try to bolster Kingdom A's numbers by being their vassals or even surrendering his authority to Sovereign A (Kingdom B would cease to exist then to be absorbed by Kingdom A).
- Kingdom A and Kingdom C are equally powerfull and more powerfull than Kingdom B, relations with both are the same (no matter if good or bad)
- Neutrality isn't an option and B1 would have to choose who to join as vassals. Depending of how extreme the relations (specially bad ones), he might have to consider to surrender the Kingdom.
- Kingdom A and Kingdom C are equally powerfull and more powerfull than Kingdom B, relations with Kingdom A are good but bad with Kingdom C
- In this situation B1 would have to consider to be vassals of Kindgom A. Depending of how extreme the relation, he might consider to surrender the Kingdom.
Case 2
In our second example, Kingdom A and Kingdom B had an arranged marriage between A1 and B1. From then onward, A1 passes to be part of Kingdom B. As in the first example, Sovereign B dies. The oldest offspring would inherit the rule and might face a different options:
- Kingdom B is more powerful than Kingdom A and Kingdom C, their relations doesn't matter
- If their enemies are weaker, B1 might decide that they don't need a Sovereign to protect them and decide that they will remain Neutral. This might change once one of the other Kingdoms becomes more powerful.
- Kingdom A is more powerful than Kingdom B and have good relations; Kingdom C is less powerful than A
- Considering that Kingdom A is more powerful but they have good relations with it, B1 might consider to offer themselves as vassals.
- Kingdom A is more powerful than Kingdom B and have bad relations; Kingdom C is less powerful than A
- Considering that Kingdom A is more powerful even if they have good relations with it, B1 might consider to offer themselves as vassals.
- Kingdom C is more powerful than Kingdom B and have bad relations; Kingdom A is less powerful than C
- Considering that Kingdom C is more powerful but they have bad relations with it, B1 might find difficult to remain Neutral as an option. He would have to choose between offering themselves as vassals of Kingdom C, or maybe try to bolster Kingdom A's numbers by being their vassals or even surrendering his authority to Sovereign A (Kingdom B would cease to exist then to be absorbed by Kingdom A).
- Kingdom A and Kingdom C are equally powerfull and more powerfull than Kingdom B, relations with both are the same (no matter if good or bad)
- Neutrality isn't an option and B1 would have to join Kingdom A as vassals or surrender the Kingdom to Kingdom A if the relations are good enough.
- Kingdom A and Kingdom C are equally powerfull and more powerfull than Kingdom B, relations with Kingdom A are good but bad with Kingdom C
- In this situation B1 would have to consider to be vassals of Kindgom A. Depending of how extreme the relation, he might consider to surrender the Kingdom.
If the marriage had been with B2 instead of B1, then the situation would be that of Case 1 and not this Case 2.
Case 3, 4, 5....
The list would go on as more marriage possibilities exists and relations with the different Kingdoms are considered. I hope there is no need for me to complete this list... right?
I understand that offspring, the same as recruited/encountered Heroes, will be Heroes and have attributes/stats/skills/traits... Married or not, they will be able to fill some roles to the point where sometimes you'll have to decide between sending off to another kingdom as part of an arranged marriage or keep them under your rule to abus... make good use of his/her abilities. In resume, they will be heroes that can be traded in the name of good will, blah blah blah.
I'd like to mention, not believing it'll make it but mentioning it anyways, that it'd be nice if each of those Nobles and Heroes had the same point of view as your Sovereign about the other Kingdoms. At least at the beginning.
Let's suppose that the diplomacy scale between two Kingdoms varies between these values:
- -2 Bad
- -1 Dislike
- 0 Neutral
- 1 Like
- 2 Good
Relations between Kingdom A and Kingdom B are at 0, for example. WHen the offpsring of those Kingdoms is born, they take the current value of that relation as theirs, and update it accordingly as it changes. So if later the relation between those two kingdoms raises to 1, the offspring internal scale will raise to 1 too.
Kingdom A and Kingdom B ally to fight the evil Kingdom C. A1 and B1 fight together in some battles against the armies of Kingdom C and this battles working together creates a bond between them. Altough A1 and B1 still has the same value as their Kingdoms in that internal scale, it becomes modified by +1 because of this bond. For now, I won't so far as adding a relationship trait like "X1 likes Z1", just that internally each of those heroes has a modifier to the scale related to the other Kingdom. So while Kingdom A and Kingdom B are at 1, A1 and B1 are at 2.
The war continues and in one important battle, the armies of Kingdom B retreat. Event that nearly costs the battle for Kingdom A. THe relationship between Kingdom A and Kingdom B doesn't alter but A1's modifier, who was at the battle, is reduced by 1 for Kingdom B becoming 0 and leaving him with a relation of 1 with Kingdom A. Later the same event repeats and altough it doesn't hurt the relation of the Kingdoms, A1's modifier, who was again at the battle, is reduced by 1 again. Now his relation with Kingdom B is of 0 while his Kingdom's is 1.
Those are just examples of how "Personal experiences" of Heroes (offspring of the Sovereigns or not) could affect their viewpoint of other Kingdoms. Why? Well, marrying off an offspring that hates the Kingdom where he is sent (The Kingdoms might have a relation of 1 but he has a -2) might have some bad political consequences appart from taking him some time to settle there (if he evers settles). Or a Heroe that really likes another Kingdom (the Kingdoms are at 0 and he is at 2) might decide to join that Kingdom when you declare war on them. It'd not work as simple as I described it but just an example. Marrying to another Kingdom an offspring that really loves her new Kingdom can give some nice political bonuses and improve the relation between the Kingdoms. And many many more examples.
Potentially, the offspring can be something really impressive. Heroes can benefit of most of their systems too. Problems before anyone here "dares" to post them? "Too much micro!!" could be one. "The AI wouldn't know how to deal with it" could be another. "I don't like it" is another. In my defense I'll say that I just wanted to mention it. I don't expect to see this ever. But one can dream and share that dream.
How long does the offspring live? We know that the Sovereign cannot age or die of old age. But his sons and daughters? They don't share such trait and will be only channelers if the Sovereign imbues them. But will we lose them after X turns or will they stick through the whole game? Are they supposed to produce more offspring once married? And that same offspring marry too? And get even more offspring on the board? You could end with a legion of Heroes just with that. That's why I ask. Losing a Hero because of old age would be a sad moment (emotionally if you were fond of him and from a gameplay point of view) but it would make sense.