Hi, I've been playing PC games since win 95 came out and yes, Sins & entrenchment are great games. excellent RTS games in fact. Only thing i really have to B*tch about is 2 things...
1) most other games run in 'Program Files' aspect of windows and you just add a 'mod' folder to the game and viola!!!!! u can put mods in that work whenever u want them too:)
Unfortunately with Sins & entrenchment, You do not have that simplicity. the makers of the game set it up that u have to put any MODs under a super-secret Doc&setting filing, that is secret and confusing to say the least! NO, actually, i want to be very blunt here. IT SUCKS!!!! ITS STUPID & IDIOTIC in the extreme!!!!!! THere already is a MODing convention for where mods go in almost every other kind of PC game, but for the makers of Sins... WTF??
If u wanna standout from the 'rest of the herd'.. then make an awesome game ... oh wait u did that by creating Sins & and entrenchment, but u f&cked it up with ur MODing screwup.
2) I really like the fact that the makers fix the bugs so quickly and that you patch both games so they get to become 'flawless' I can't praise that enough!!!!! BUT, make it so that the people who take the time to make MODs for Sins & entrenchment, that their mods KEEP working every damn time YOU fix something!!!!!
MODders are a very beautiful resource and a very useful one. Please DO not be like some of your competitors who drive away the Moders by making it difficult to add MODs to the playability of your fantastic games.
Yes, some peeps will think i'm 'oh so mean and should be banned' for talking the truth, but no one seems to have said this or if they had No one at Ironclad nor Stardock have said they will fix this problem.
I certainly know how much time and energy it takes to make a MOD of a game. i've made a few in the past. THey are all labors of love for a game and I believe it's very WRONG the fashion in which the game degisners have set up sins so that MODS constantly need to be redone so that the multitude of patches that have come out keep 'invalidating' the MODs.
It shows that maybe the people at Ironclad are more like the people at EA games who are just in it for the pure profit and not to make great games that are profitable.. AND THEIR IS a difference and more importantly their had better be a difference in those 2 statements.
ANyways, i hope everyone has a great holiday season