spooky, maybe there is a big missunderstandnig, but as far as i remember the higher the rank is of players i beat the more exp i earn and wiseversa, right?
i don't compare me with other palyers below 1000exp, i compare my stats with palyers in the top 800! there are palyers with 55% win, having arround 200 games at rank 300.
i usually fight players with very high ranks but i still do not get much exp. i usually have also high favor points at the end of the match. so pls stop this pointless suggestions as they don't have anything to do with my case, as i already explained this several times. i GAIN LESS EXP THAN OTHERS within the SAME match (no matter what fav points i got in that match)!
and btw. i NEVER was above 100 exp except maybe for the first week i played that game online. my win percentage of the last weeks is above 70% playing often against many of the top palyers arround here and i still did not get any exp in that time.