Calleen, your taking TDN out of context. It is only found in ONE place. If it signified Unification and everyone coming together then youd find it EVERYWHERE. Basically right now, your arguing that TDN is another name for TEC. Because TEC is what the Military for the TO is called.
TDN is NOT a reference to other branches. Its simply a MARKER on a ship. Its NOT supposed to represent ALL branches of the Military. Its only supposed to allow others to know WHAT FACTION that particular ship belongs too.
I seriously dont understand why people are still clinging to this arguement about why TDN represents other military branches.
I dont disagree that there are other branches. I do disagree that TDN is another name for TEC. And dont try to tell me thats not what your trying to argue. Because if it isnt, why use TEC if TDN represents the different branches unified? It makes no sense that the TO would call their Military TEC if they also wanted to call them TDN.
This is getting really old now. No one arguing TDN (atleast the ones still clinging to other military branches as their main cause) Have come up with anything that someone can say, oh its in the lore, or oh its historical. No one has been able to site anything because its complete speculation. Its quite easy to just say "oh Im right, because its the future, and it hasnt happened yet, So that must mean its Network". Come on now, Do you expect anyone to lie down and give you the debate because you used the GOD like arguement of something that hasnt happened yet? The Navy side of the debate has given you numerous examples of why their arguement stands. Without having to delve into the Future as a reference. Admit it its a poor lazy attempt to go over our heads.
Please for the sake of everyone here including yourselves. Go back to the lore, look some historical stuff up about the different militaries of the world (because thats where many of the references to ships and units are coming from) and find something that actually helps you argue your point. Stop trying to use speculation that no one can debate because theres no proof it exists. Its like the arguement of god, neither side has the ablity to say it does or doesnt exist. And no one on the Navy side has said other branches dont exist. We agree, that they do exist. But at the same time, thats not evidence of your arguement. Also, lets stop it here, TDN is not this great big name for ALL BRANCHES of service. Thats what TEC is for. Coalition?? did we miss that? TDN is nothing more then a Marker. Basically a stamp on a military vessel that shows what that vessel belongs to.