Stacked...Not sure why the hostility or what iv'e done to piss you off but ok....
neilo u cant talk. you vs ai alot and u ragequit from games.
I have already said in this discussion that my own stats are skewed from AI in Panth, i beleive i have mentioned this twice. Difference is i don't seek out AI games. I don't quit one when it starts, i will play it out, but i don't quit from human games to seek out AI only games. I have said already that my rank is not a reflection of my skill.
I do not seek out AI only games...I don't understand your position here.
Nor am i a ragequitter. I will happily admit to RQing a game once way back just after release where it was a 1v1 on Cruc, i was Reg and Multiana played a tower rook. Other than that, i have not RQ..i will take the ass whipping...ryan has whipped my ass plenty, i don't ever recall quitting one of them.
As for playing Panth with Piz....So? We both play Panth and due to our locations (US and AU) we often cannot both get into the same custom game, Aussie lobbies aside. So we both fire up Panth and play on there, where we cannot be kicked for ping. We play the games on offer be that human or AI, we don't look for AI only games.
I admit we do that....i do not see the issue with it. I have played many games with other guys as well on Panth (snakeblade)...when the pickings are slim and you play many games in a row, you tend to be with the same people at times.
If playing in Panth at the same time as a friend is also deemed an exploit, i'd be happy to stop...but then id love to see more tolerance of 300+ pings in customs.
are u upset coz you think your better than havoc?
Huh? I could care less one way or the other mate. Nor Havoc, I or any other player who has AI exp should be ranked where we are. Who is better is meaningless, this is a team game, a weak or strong player does not mean a win or loss.
what about yourself? your effectively dodging other premades by playing pantheon.
How is that i am dodging a premade...and what makes you so qualified to make that call? Again i don't get your hostility against me here...i don't recall wronging you prior.
I play Panth cause i enjoy playing other modes of play, IE, games that are not Conquest on Cataract. Try hosting a dominate on Zik game and see how long, if at all it takes for your lobby to fill up.
As for premades..i have already said in this or another thread about getting a Aussie Pre together to take on some of the other pre's. Plus as you well know, when you are the only AU player in a US 3v3 or 4v4 you are not really wanted.....
My premade at best atm consists of me and Piznit, we have at time two other friends who play but both have tighter schedules....I'll go so bold as to speak for Piz here, but we would be happy to play other pre's....Shade and Kal whipped us thoroughly on prison was a great game!
now i understand why u have such a high ranking.
Again...i have mentioned this many times. You are correct my rank does not reflect my skill, i am more than happy to admit is why i agree so much that AI exp should not be given. I am finding it harder to find games since so many people stat check, see my win % and leave.
I actively tell people when questioned that my rank means nothing and that i am a solid 50/50 player. Before this reset took into account AI panth EXP, i was about rank 1200...about where i should be i guess,
I have made this clear in this thread, others, and in lobbies.
FFS, i was higher ranked than Shade the other day....and if that's not wrong i don't know what it is.
Should i stop playing Panth altogether due its faults and the ranks? I do no exploit the Panth to get AI only games, i want to play humans. If by playing with friends in Panth is deemed an exploit, then we will try getting into more customs....but unlike Havoc, i do not seek out AI only games.
Did i piss you off somewhere Stacked?
Kudos to Prussian! Actively seeking human games will lead to a far better gaming experiance, for you and others as well.
My non friendly attitude aside, glad to see you take the ball and run on this issue.