I'm currently running Vista 64bit. My PC is having issues and I need to wipe the drive and do a fresh OS install. At this point I'm not sure if I'm going to reinstall Vista or load the Windows 7 RC.
I have most of the Object Desktop software downloaded and archived, but I'm having a few problems getting the last few programs. I am also not sure where these archives are and how I can back them up to reinstall on my fresh Windows install. So, I've got the following questions...
- I cannot "Download and archive" the following programs: Tweak 7, Desktop Gadgets, IconX, Bootskin (not Bootskin Vista). How can I download these to reinstall later? Is there a link directly to these applications?
- Once I have all the software downloaded and archived, what do I need to backup to keep these programs before formatting the hard drive?
- Do I need to do anything special in Impulse to reinstall these programs from my backup location?
This has all been attempted using the latest and greatest version of Impulse.