Hey, this is about the 5th time I have downloaded and attempted to instal LogonStudio for XP. Whenever I run the installation, it says it installs then, when I try to run the program I get: "Runtime Error 53, File not found" Please help
how are you attempting to download and install?
straight click download link and choose run?
download and save, then running downloaded file?
what page are you downloading from?
Im downloading it from CNET, the xp version, I download the installer than use it, it installs then when I try to run it I get Run time error 53
what antivirus/antispyware are you running?
Im not using any Antivirus/antispyware software yet, and I tried without the firewall enabled, but still get the error message
do you have net framwork 1.1 installed
Yes I do, I installed it, reinstalled then rebooted, downloaded file for 7th time, clicked on Logonstudio and got runtime error 53
I think it means it's not finding a .dll
check C:\WINDOWS\system32 and see if you have JPGUtil.dll
what operating system? pc or laptop? wireless router?
Ok I have JPGUtil.dll
except its JPGUtils.dll
Im running XP Pro PC, Wireless router is peice of crap but ive downloaded many other things on it
read something going thru the logon posts, something about a wireless router screwing with LStudio
do u think u can find it?
Big news. Today I used another computer and tried to transfer the files over with no sucssess, so I plugged in my XP cd and repaired all of my files, which amazingly solved the problem. Thank you very much for your help
This was apprently cuased by editing some DLL files ^^
glad it's working now
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