56. If you have no AOE attacks, just stay away from a minion Erebus. You will get hammered by nightwalkers and even if you catch him, he will batswarm away if in trouble.
57. Fake casts are your friends. Learn to love them.
58. You can use teleports to ninja-gank someone.
59. If you are a snipe regulus and you want to shoot a demigod that is in a 1v1 with your ally across the map you have to time it right. Shoot too early and he will just retreat. Shoot too late and you will steal a kill (not cool in my book). Shoot just right and you will give him a hell of a surprise.
60. There is no point in going after a 1v1 against a health stacking ooze ub unless you plan to somehow ninja-gank it.
61. Pushing a lane is better than holding 2 lanes (use flaglocks if you are forced to retreat)
62. Don't trade kills. The risks are simply too high. The reward is too meagre.
63. Don't zoom in too close, you WILL get ganked.
64. It's better to be a pro and act like a noob (to mislead your opponent) than otherwise.
65. Never go against an oak with minions in the middle of a creep wave. He will just cast surge of faith, kill all your creeps, get a health bonus while all his allies get attack and speed bonus. He may also cast penitence.
66. Never ever ever ever... EVER get yetis. You will ruin the game.
67. Bestial wrath is a lot less scary and ravaging than its name suggests.
68. If you suspect an enemy will come for a particular flag, mine spam it, then hide somewhere out of sight. As soon as the enemy approaches them, charge up your snipe. With luck, your bolt will hit him right after he stepped on your mines. At worse, he is left with <15% heath and retreat, at best....insta-kill.
69. When AA-ing someone, have an interrupt selected and target him. As soon as you suspect a spell, cast it.
70. Full fire TB is only good if you have someone tanking.
71. If you feel you MUST rage quit, do it when there is no hope -> your portals are locked and giants are swinging away at your citadel.........or when sedna gets yetis.
72. False myths : first blood wins the match, first to giants = winner.
73. Finger of god is about as usefull as yetis.
74. Currency 2 is only worth it if there are 4 players on the team or more. Currency 3 is only worth it if there are already 40 minutes in game, and no team shows signs of winning.
75. Fish don't stink underwater.
76. The only thing that can break oak's invuln is Chuck Norris.
I'll come up with more once i get to brainstorming.