This is the story of the last of the Babylon 5 mod-efforts. It's goal, to prevent another failure, by creating a place to solve our problems collaboratively. Its a port of call, home away from home, for modelers, texturers, programmers and sound engineers.
Babylon 5 - Sins of the Younger Races
The authors are not responsible for any damage that may arise from using this mod. This mod may not be sold under any circumstances. It may be downloaded, as long as it does not violate the laws of the state/country you live in. This disclaimer must always be distributed with the mod. For other used please contact me personally.
Thanks to the TEAM:
2D Artist: Tobias Liebhart (TobiWahn_Kenobi), SteinerX
Bughunters: Rob Cummings, cybertx, Darvroth, Peter1x9, ZombiesRus5
Coders: Ronie Albesa (zRazor), Rob Cummings (NewHorizons), Davroth, EvilTesla-RG, Rodney Jenkings (HotRod), Tobias Liebhart, Zvezdochets
Model Templates: Amras-Arfeiniel, James Newman (Firehawk)
Modelers: Ronie Albesa, Amras-Arfeiniel, Fileosoft, Johan Klaver, Koobalt, Tobias Liebhart, Stefan May, Timmaigh, Pauli Valkeejärvi (Hawkwall), Zvezdochets
Musician: Pauli Valkeejärvi
Research: Rob Cummings, Darvroth, Rodney Jenkins
PR: Darvroth, SteinerX
Sounds: Rob Cummings, Pauli Valkeejärvi, Zvezdochets
Texturers: Tobias Liebhart, SteinerX, TFL_BigBangTheory, Timmaigh, Pauli Valkeejärvi, ZombiesRus5
Moderation: Blake00
Additional support: boshimi336, Lavo_2, myfist0, Gürol Salk (Geopard)
And to
MysticAngel for the Automated Fighter docking ability
The Babylon 5 X3TC team
And thanks to all those modelers whose work is a inspiration and a template for creating ingame assets
If I forgot anyone, please contact me so I can give proper credit. (There seem to be so many decent people involved at the moment)
Release 0.54.1 Full Download for Rebellion 1.95+
& Patch 0.54.2

NEW - Balvarin Carrier and Minor Factions fix!
Installation Guide:
- Download the latest Sins Remastered mod from here:
- Extract the archive into a 'SinsRemastered' folder in your 'C:\Users\%username%\Documents\My Games\Ironclad Games\Sins of a Solar Empire Rebellion\Mods-Rebellion v1.85' folder.
- Download the latest Babylon 5 Sins of the Younger Races mod from here:
- Extract the archive into your root 'Mods-Rebellion v1.85' folder instead of a new mod folder as the archive ALREADY contains a premade 'SotyrRemastered' folder inside of it (so if you're not careful you'll end up with a mod folder inside of a mod folder and it won't work lol).
- Start Sins and go to 'Options', then 'Mods', and you should see the mods you've installed.
- Enable 'SotyrRemastered' and then enable 'SinsRemastered' too. Make sure that the load order is SotyrRemastered first/top and then SinsRemastered second/bottom.
- Restart Sins and you should be good to go!
Sometimes the in-game mod loader can be a bit funky so if you can't see the mods you've installed or something isn't working then enabling the mods via the 'EnabledMods.txt' file in your 'Mods-Rebellion v1.85' folder where you installed the mods to is the other alternative. It should look like this to work:
SinsArchiveVersion 194
Version 0
enabledModNameCount 2
enabledModName "SotyrRemastered"
enabledModName "SinsRemastered-v0.95b"
Old Blog with screenshots and infos maintained by SteinerX can be found here (*OUT OF DATE*)
Yours TobiWahn_Kenobi