So I have the whole post linked as the external link. However this time only, I will copy and paste the whole thing to here. The original has pictures though (apparently the pics will copy and paste awesome)!!! However, the next ones i start posting will only be in part and you will have to go to to see the whole story.
All right. Today we are talking about 3v3 team compositions and how these games usually turn out. 3v3 is the predominant format as well occurring on Cataract. So what we need to think about are: what the enemy team is running, what demigods we are good at playing, the synergy amongst our Demigods, and how we can stop what the other team is attempting to do.
We will begin with the basic premise of no doubling Demigods and provided is a sample team that is quite good. A good team has two support and a DPS (damage per second) Demigod. The DPS Demigod will not buy any Citadel upgrades, but instead focus on eventually getting artifacts.
Sedna (hybrid; support and later DPS)
Unclean Beast (DPS/tank --- ooze, which means mass HP armor, no helms!)
Frost Torchbearer (purely support, late game 3000 burst; our solo)

It is important that Sedna gets Healing Wind to help support the HP regeneration an ooze build necessitates. Have a Demigod from the 2 person lane grab middle when needed, and maintain the solo in his lane for as long as possible. Against minion teams, the Torchbearer and the Unclean Beast must use effective AoE, as well as make good use of Frost Nova's extended stun on minions. Against push teams, you need to rely on staying in the lane. That means not having to go back to crystal to heal unless they are as well. You also need to use Universal Gadgets and invest in tower upgrades quickly. The game becomes you versus the clock in such a game. Once you survive the first 15 minutes you should be okay, barring a misplay that allows them to capture and hold your portals.
If the enemy teams masses armor, it becomes important for Sedna to get pounce up quickly, as it ignores armor. This team is very strong on disables; you have one on each character. This means that you are calling out when you are going to Foul Grasp or use Frost Nova. What will really win fights is when you disable the enemy Sedna's Heal or Regulus's Mine throw. Late game, stopping Surge of Faith will win group fights. Do not expect any good teams to be using Rook, but it goes without saying that you should interrupt his Hammer Slam should it rear its head. Beyond using your disables as interrupts, it is a good idea to use them preemptively when you expect Queen of Thorns or Sedna to be popping a Bramble Shield or Heal (i.e. when the cool down is close to done and/or an enemy Demigod is hurt). Say we just knocked out a shield, and you think the Queen of Thorns is going to recast it soon. That is when you Frost Nova or Foul Grasp her. Furthermore, you can use Deep Freeze on guys who spam skills to prevent them from doing so.

It is beyond important that your team carry Teleport Scrolls as the game leaves lane play and enters a more free flowing game, where demigods move around the map without the constraints of having to level as much. Teleport Scrolls should be used to move quickly across the map for ganks and/or rapid defense of a teammate being chased or a flag about to be captured. Teleport Scrolls are most effective WHEN THE WHOLE TEAM IS USING THEM! Using other consumables like potions or Capture Locks could bleed you dry and leave you under-equipped or under-upgraded. That is not to say you should not use them but only do so sparingly or with a clear strategy in mind (like race to War Score 10 and Giants so buy lots of Capture Locks).

So something that has been happening more often is teams and/or individual teammates chasing kills. They wound one of the enemy Demigods close to death during a group fight and then chase without regards to what the other two enemies are doing. Should the nearly dead demigod be able to maintain distance, then your team is wasting DPS and allowing the other 2 enemies to attack with impunity. You must change targets here. You as a team must select focus targets and call out the usage of disables. Torchbearer using Frost Nova as the Unclean Beast is Foul Grasping. is redundant. Thus, any true premade must use VOIP software, such as Ventrilo, Teamspeak, or even Xfire. Xfire offers free voice chat even.
I hope you have found these insights into team play useful, and anyone wishing to discuss individual team makes (aka comps short for compositions) and matchups should feel free to PM me. Later I hope to deconstruct some of the more archetypal teams like a push or mass armor reduction setup