Well, I will post my UB build. After playing with lots of builds I find this one to be my personal favorite. I will add that I’ve mainly used this build in prison.
First, the skills.
1 – Spit
2 – Ooze
3 – Save
4 – Spit & Ooze
5 – Grasp
6 – Save
7 – Spit & Ooze
8 – Stats
9 – Save
10 – Spit & Ooze
11-14 (Stats and Post Mortem line, you get post mortem when the grunts are bought by the other team).
15 – Spit (yeah, spit all the way, damage all the way).
16-19 (Stats and Post Mortem line).
20 – Whatever (I only made this far once with this build, I bought Inner Beast, because more damage is cool, so I have heard).
Favor: BotF
Banded Armor + Scalemail (at the start, yeah, spit and no helm and no mana favor, yeah, I know, shhhhhh, I know).
The other 3 item slots: Unbreakable, Nimoth, Vlemish (the order you buy them depends on what you need at the time).
Items you have to know how to use to be a tank and smash little puppets: Sigil of Vitality, Small potions of life, Teleport Scrolls, Universal Gadgets. (actually you have to know how to use, and how powerful these items are, when playing any DG).
Well, you might say this build will lack mana items, you are right and wrong. This build is not spit harassment, you have to be patient and only use spit and grasp wisely, otherwise this build won’t work and you will say it sucks, well, this build doesn’t suck, in matter of fact I believe it’s the best UB build, at least for prison, at least when you playing with a Sedna on your team. But I believe it’s the best overall UB build, for my play stile at least.
By lvl.15 you will have almost 6000 HP, and 50% D.A. Pretty solid eh? Plus Sigil, Plus small potions, Plus Gadged, Plus Spit & Ooze & Graps, you are the ultimate DPS’er/Tanker. On my book this is just ownage.
Why the build is like it is (answering questions my mind just created):
Why Hybrid? Because you out damage anything another UB may cause to you, so, you out damage anything in 1x1 (let’s not talk about facing minions, that means in buying counter items that I won’t talk about, and counter skills, that I won’t cover either).
Why Post Mortem at lvl.11+? Well, first, you can buy the first point at lvl.8 or 9, but that’s unusual. Likely grunts will hit the table 11+ and post mortem will make killing them that much easier. Not only that, if your opponent wants to fight against you on the lane,… well, you will just deal a shit load more damage, it’s awesome, it’s that cool, its ownage x2.
Why stats? Well, more HP, more Armor, more att. Speed, more regens, more damage. What other skill gives you all that at the same time? So, go all the way.
You can buy stats earlier, and delay Spit or Ooze, your choice. Well, adapting to your opponent is the ultimate strategy, so you should adapt whenever you have to.
The MAIN thing about this build is to know how to “spend” your mana, if you can’t manage mana, this build will blow, pick another build and don’t trash my build because you can’t manage mana.
I’m open for discussion.
I don’t know if some1 posted a build like this one b4, if it did, my bad. I don’t read guides in a long time.
Ps: People say UB is a Noob DG… well, a Noob with this build will sux so much. This is an expert build, yeah I know, elitist, blah blah blah, get over it.
Ps.2: If you have the money to buy items outside of the ones I listed, you are doing it wrong (or very good, because you killed every1 30x). You don’t need/want items other than the ones listed, everything else goes to the citadel, or to your team8s, you will most likely get the kills, share the gold brother, it’s a multiplayer game that you want to win, right?
Ps.3: Buy Flag Locks when needed.
Ps.4: Buy counters items as needed.
Ps.5: On the next post, my m8 and his Sedna build that keeps me alive. Enjoy.
Final Ps: If you lose with this build (mine and my m8s), and you didn’t faced a minion build, well, practice some more.