You just did... In reality, Dawn War: Nightfall (first of three book in series) won't be done for a while... Once I get done typing it, you are actually one of the few people I might actually have review/edit it. I tend to leave out commas like you wouldn't believe when writing fiction, so that needs to be fixed...
But I'll give you some background info on each of the main characters/places.
Dr. Nicholas Tesla (unrelated to Nicola): Owner of the company Tesla Spark Industries, former UHR President, and current UHR Senator. This man is rich, powerful, eccentric, and a bit arrogant. (Although that is justified given his fortune which happens to be the largest in history and his intellect which guess what? He happens to have the highest IQ in recorded history.) Although seemingly a combination of the Archetypal rich guy and genius, he is far from that. At the beginning of the story, it appears to be that way, but throughout the books (and especially Dawn War: Daybreak) he becomes a character with far more depth as you learn his motives. Although, his motives are never truly explained unless you read what will be the prologue: Holocaust. Holocaust is solely about Tesla during the time of the United Human Federation (similar to the TO I suppose...) and the Holocaust. The book is divided into three parts: Innocence, Exposure, and Response. Innocence is his youth to his first century (the guy lives past 700, what do you expect?) and also has a bit of a love story in it. Exposure is the beginning of the Holocaust, which is a period in which 70 billion people die. It also sees humanity fall into chaos as the UHF falls apart. Without an organized force to defend itself, world after world is exterminated. Eventually, the only worlds left are those within the "Great Trigon." By means that I can't explain because it would ruin the entire series for you, the GT protects the core worlds from that which causes the Holocaust. However, one of the three things that form it fails and must be restored. This sees the creation of a fleet of planet-sized ships called the Olympus Fleet. Within this are: Tri-Star Destroyer (critical in the plotline of the series), Hercules Battleship, Providence Carrier, and the flagship Trinity Blade (of which Tesla is the captain.) In a conclusive battle, the Olympus Fleet defeats its foes (in case you haven't figure it out, I'm not telling you who or what they are...) However, the Trinity Blade is destroyed and Tesla is stuck into cryostasis and is discovered two centuries later by a merchant vessel.
Dr. Brandon Tesla: Nicholas's father, he is very similar to Nicholas in many ways. Upon Jacob's death, Tesla Spark is handed to his son. (By the way, it is Jacob's father who starts TS.)
Jacob Johnson: new soldier that shows a talent for battle. He sees his first action in a city called Phoenix (which ironically is on an ice planet). Good friend of Volt.
Jane Willoshire: Girlfriend of Volt.. Or she was... Until she died... (she dies before Nightfall takes place during the Civil War) Volt never quite recovers from the death of his fiance...
Blair Natek: leader of a secret UHR department. Oh, and they guy is corrupt...
Ashley Marksman: UHR President, and Ashley is a guy... Weird name (for the current generation, but Ashley used to be a guy's name), but all the same, he's a guy...
G-4 Z-127/Jarvis: Nicholas's personal robotic butler. He was originally designed for a far different purpose, but after failing at that, Tesla couldn't stand to destroy his creation that had taken him three decades to complete.
G-4 Z-128/Zakodrakah: Zako was built to fill the role that Jarvis failed at. Unfortunately, he worked a little too well. He is the one that begins the Dawn War. I can't tell you more or it would spoil a lot of stuff...
G-4 Z-129/Trigon: Meant to fill the role left by the now defective Great Trigon, this robot is built with the sole purpose of defeating its predecessor.
G-5 Z-130: Classified.
Miron: Planet owned by the head of Aurora Corporation, the seconds largest company in existence and owner of the coveted Life Generation System. The LGS is the only computer in the galaxy that can create a virtual ecosystem based on a planet and then synthesize all life forms. From there, the newly created animals/plants/bacteria are shipped to the planet and released. Among other things though, Aurora Corp also produces more than 75% of the UHR's warships (which is of course their primary source of income).
Hadras: Arguably the most beautiful planet in existence, Hadras is owned by Terra Corp. which specializes in Terraforming worlds. The planet is very odd in that it has a gravitational field that fluctuates slightly by the day for unknown (to you that is, not to me) reasons.
Xavios: Owned exclusively by Nicholas Tesla, Xavios is the runner up as far as beautiful planets go. The population is a mere 1023, but its economic influence as the headquarters of the massive company, Tesla Spark gives it sway over every other planet in the galaxy. You cannot simply move to Xavios, you have to be a family member of someone on the board of TS, or you have to be a good friend of Tesla. A really good friend of Tesla... Scans of the planet by an anonymous person indicate that the planet's core appears to be porous. When asked about it, Tesla denied the existence of such a thing. According to Tesla, the ground is perfectly solid beneath their feet and is "the most sturdy ground you will ever walk on" (which makes sense once you know the secret of Miron, Hadras, and Xavios. And trust me, its a big one...)
Tehkratt: The largest solid planet ever discovered, this planet is only about 10 lightyears from Hadras. Tehkratt is used as the mine during the construction of the Olympus Fleet. The planet also plays a significant role during the Dawn War as well.
Voltaire Alexander Cruelerz: Winner of the Medal of Hope (which was commissioned in his honor post-mordom.) Volt begins life humbly on a terran planet and meets his fiance there while studying for his doctorate in nanomedicine (who says main characters can't be smart?) However, the UHR sends out a call to everyone under the age of 50 (which is the equivalent to today's 21) that within six months, there is a 75% chance that all will be drafted in one massive surge of troops. Jacob enlists to go to an ice planet no one would ever think of going to. Because he doesn't want his best friend on a giant snowball without anyone he knows, Volt also enlists, determined to finish his doctorate while he is there, which he does. Although he would have finished before the 6 month period, making him exempt from the draft, he goes anyways. Jacob and Volt see action there due to a giant ocean of hydrogen that was discovered beneath the surface ice. When the rebels attempt to take it, Volt sacrifices himself to save the general there who then leads a counter-attack on the rebels. Volt eventually wakes up only to discover his body is now more than half metal. Due to his heroics in war, his injuries came to the attention of Tesla who treats Volt personally. After recovering, Volt is invited to stay on Tesla's Grand Estate (which btw takes up one of the continents on the planet). Tesla slowly introduces him to things that the UHR has long wanted hidden. Slowly, he goes through the story of the Holocaust until he finishes one day at an elevator. Now this elevator is a very special elevator for reasons I will not explain, but after going down it, they find a lab which is floating inside a vacuum chamber and surrounded by a disintegration field. Inside, Volt sees the most advanced object ever created: G-4 Z-129. At this point, Volt is relayed the information about 128 and that there will soon be a war. This war will be unlike anything ever seen and will likely claim more lives than the Holocaust did. With the disorganization of the UHR after the civil war, it would be a very soft target for 128. This war would come to be known as the Dawn War.