I've fallen back into playing my first love again, Sedna, and with my increased skilsls I found that I'mreally enjoying her. My eternal quandary, though, is that betwene levelling Pounce and Heal frantically to keep pace with battle, you can only level either Healing Wind or Inner Grace, if you intend to max one out, or get rank 2 in early game to make a difference, in Healing Wind's Case.
I've been doing:
1: Heal
2: Pounce
3: Healing Wind
4: Heal
5: Pounce
6: Healing Wind
In order to keep up my actives at par as quickly as possible, and getting the higher powered monks quickly. but doing this I find that I'm fallnig behind speedwise, and I can't catch up for the kill on anyone who has 6.3 speed base (UB or Erebus) or anyone with a single speed item, let alone if I'm maimed, etc. Inner grace certainly helps with that, so I've thought about flipping back and forth between them, for maximum per-rank H/ps, and a small boost of speed.
Any thoughts here? My normal starting Sedna is BotF sedna + Monks, and getting Vlemish and Unbreakable first, followed by Scale, then Banded, then Nimoth's. I should probably swap Vlesmish/Unbreakable and Scale/banded around though for early game survival, then go Unbreakable, then Vlemish, then Nimoth's.